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Coffee Run - Westons Coffee & Tap

This weekend's Coffee Run brought me to Westons Coffee & Tap located across the Jefferson Park Transit Center. It's about 2.1 miles away, but I ended up weaving around Mayfair to cut through the highway and the train station towards Milwaukee Ave. I repeated this hap-hazard course on the way back, running four miles to get there with a total mileage of almost 6.5 miles.

The Coffee: The barista noted my Pearl Izumi jacket when I ordered a cup of their regular drip. He'd recognized the logo because he'd been training for a triathlon up until he and his wife became pregnant. He lent me a pen because I'd forgotten mine, and it was a shitty napkin surface for drawing, hence not much to explain about my drawing. I stayed long enough to finish the coffee and dry off and have a short conversation with him.

The Drawing: some long, ledger-like dos-a-dos books are in order. That's really all for today.

The Run: I was mostly thinking about the footprint patterns on the sidewalks. My maneuvering was much like refining a drawing, filling in steps where there were none, balancing out marks on the sidewalk and feeling a little better about maneuvering and not just putting one foot in front of the other.

On the way home I passed the Ed Paschke mural advertising the museum. The images make for a pleasant burst of color upon exiting the highway at Lawrence Ave., and I always note how I have yet to visit. I thought about high school days and Marwen classes in the early 90's, when Paschke was the biggest thing to most of us students. In my senior year, we created several murals for the construction wall barricades of the current MCA building--I recall being in Phase 1 which involved sections that took on a Paschke painting technique--it drove me nuts and the teaching artist got on my case for being so aggressive with the brushes. He held up the #8 round I was using and held it up to the entire group to demonstrate how not to paint and how much I fucked it up. The hairs were mangled in every direction (or gone) as I was applying my dry brush technique the entire time. I think he was more upset that it was his brush that he brought from home. Oh well. Maybe I'll post a photo of the murals if I can find the original.



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