Regin Igloria

Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs Performed annually on July 9

Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs Performed annually on July 9

Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs Performed annually on July 9

Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs Performed annually on July 9 Photo: Amy Sinclair

Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs Performed annually on July 9 Photo: Sam Del Rosario

Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs Performed annually on July 9 (41 miles, or 164 laps, ran in 2015)
Upon Reaching Midground With More Than My Legs
North Park Track, Chicago, IL
Performed annually on July 9
To coincide with his 40th birthday, Igloria ran his 40th marathon* at a local running track. The distance covered 105 laps, just slightly over the distance of a full marathon (26 miles, 385 yards). The event began in the early evening at the North Park Track, a facility open to the public where soccer players, walkers, and other runners were free to occupy the recreational facility. Friends and fellow runners joined him for parts of the distance, creating an event that became a collaborative effort.
Read an article on the event here.
A modified performance occurred at the same track in 2015, with the artist running the number of miles of his current age. The distance run was 164 laps, or 41 miles. In 2016, the goal will be to run 42 miles on his 42nd birthday, and so on every year. There is no time limit set to complete the goal.
*Unofficial--38 marathons were officially sanctioned and timed races. His 39th was also a self-organized run from his home in Chicago to his workplace in Lake Forest.